ipredictive01 ipredictive02 Too High? Pointers to Regaining Control.

Too High? Pointers to Regaining Control.

It happens to the best of us—you were enjoying yourself, and suddenly the bud takes over. You’re feeling overwhelmed as you realize you might have consumed too much as you experience effects like heightened anxiety, dizziness, nausea, or an uncomfortably intense high. This is when you have to remind yourself it’s temporary. Understanding the signs and keeping calm will get you through the experience safely.

Find your Happy Place
Deep breaths: Remind yourself that you’ll be okay. The effects will pass in time. Find a mellow spot to sit or lie down. Focus on slow, steady breaths to help your body and mind relax. If you can, turn on calming music or ask a trusted friend to stay near who can provide reassurance.

Sip and Bite
Drinking water is vital. Staying hydrated will lessen that dry mouth experience and make you feel more grounded. It’s important not to reach for alcohol or caffeine, as both categories can amplify feelings of discomfort. If you’re lightheaded, snack light by grabbing fruit, nuts, or crackers. An unexpected aid is black pepper! Taking a few whiffs or slowly chewing on a few peppercorns can help alleviate anxiety, thanks to its calming terpenes.

This Too Shall Pass
Overconsumption effects typically lessen within a few hours. Be patient and kind to yourself. If you are up for it, distract yourself with a low-stress and familiar activity such as watching a favorite tv show, flipping through a magazine, or even folding laundry. Give yourself some grace and know that next time you should start with a lower dose and give it time to kick in. Remember, this is a “lesson learned” moment, and you’ll know how to change your consumption for the future.

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